Dear Ms. Sadie Robertson, Thank You.


I confess, I am a Duck Dynasty lover.

I don’t know if it the beards, the shenanigans, Uncle Si, or the family’s public stand for Christianity, but something about the show gets me every time.

Lately, however, something else has been getting my attention.

Ms. Sadie Robertson.

Sadie Robertson

Before this season, I have never once watched ABC’s show, Dancing with the Stars. However, this season, I am an avid viewer for one reason and one reason only: The #QuackPack

I confess, Ms. Sadie Robertson had never really caught my attention before.. I followed her on Instagram and laughed at her silly life moments on the show, but was never more then a passing semi-fan. Recently, however, I have been extremely impressed as she has danced her way into the hearts of millions of Americans….with all of her clothes still on.

If you haven’t been privy to Sadie’s wonderful performances, you can check them out here!!

One of the heaviest burdens on my heart is how the entertainment business lacks solid role models for young girls. From Miley to Lohan, we have had our share of good-girl-gone-bad or Disney-gone-wrong… There seems to be a prominent mindset that being in the spotlight doesn’t mean having the responsibility of being a good role model…

For example:

Rihanna: “I’m a 23 year old rockstar with NO KIDS! What’s up with everybody wantin me to be a parent? I’m just a girl, I can only be your/our voice!”
“I don’t like to use that word because people have their own opinion on what that means to them. I can’t really say I’m a role model. I’m not perfect. I’m not trying to sell that….” 

Katy Perry: “I’d like to change the phrase “role model” to “inspiration.” “Role model” puts you on a pedestal that no one can really live up to. For me, aspiring to be an artist at a young age, I didn’t think about being a role model. But I definitely thought about being an inspiration. So I hope that I am an inspiration, especially with my work ethic and my ability to overcome obstacles.”

Miley Cyrus: “My job isn’t to tell your kids how to act or how not to act because I’m still figuring that out for myself…” “Your kids are going to make mistakes whether I do or not. That’s just life.”

The point of this blog post is not to debate whether or not stars in the lime-light should have the responsibility of being a role model. In fact, I am glad that most openly say they are not trying to be a good role model. (That is a relief) What breaks my heart is, whether or not these stars define themselves as role models, there are young girls who do see them that way. I often think about when I have daughters of my own… Who would I want them to be watching? Who would I want them to have posters of, go to concerts for, have t-shirts of? Not many names come to mind in the current entertainment industry.

Sadie Robertson is a breathe of fresh air. Beautiful, talented, kind, and passionate about her Savior, Jesus Christ; Sadie is entering the world of pop-culture entertainment with exactly what this world needs: conviction. She knows what she believes in and has shaped her own personal brand around those beliefs. And you know what? Everyone loves her. From her quirky Instagram videos to her adorable dimples, Sadie is an all-American, class-act, Proverbs 31 kind of woman. The kind of woman I hope my daughters will be able to look up to someday.


The #Quackpack and the entire Duck Dynasty Family has given America a small look into what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. Even though I have never met any of the Duck Dynasty Family, I feel like we have shared laughs, meals, quacks, and even holidays together…in some strange way…

So I would like to say thank you.

Thank you, Sadie Robertson.

Thank you for showing girls everywhere that you can be beautiful, while staying classy.

Thank you for showing girls that we don’t have to compromise.

Thank you for being a role model for my future daughters.

Thank you for standing up for what you believe in.

#QuackPack, you have my vote.



P.S. As realistic as it may seem, the beard is, indeed, a fake.


Duck Dynasty. Represent.

For Such a Time as This


Before you begin to read my blog or listen to my music, I think it is important that you know a little bit about who I am. After all, music or words are simply an extension of the self. It is the stories about all that we have encountered, seen, and felt; the passions of love, the regret of choices we can’t take back, the resonance of the nights we can’t forget.

Raised in a small town, I grew up in a place where life stays simple. I had a beautiful childhood with parents who loved me, and a little brother who was always willing to adventure with me. I grew older and became a high school/college student; the time in life when everything becomes confused with hormones, chemicals, feelings, and all the other crazy things we young people are bombarded with. During this time, I fell in love with and married my high-school sweetheart. Although our journey was anything but easy, we have now been married for two years now and could not be more blessed.

My relationship with God has been tested, stretched, and has grown substantially throughout my 22 years. God has orchestrated situations in my life so that I have experienced a great many things, both beautiful and devastating. Through it all, the most important lesson I have learned is that God is faithful and loves us more than we could possibly think or imagine.

About 3 years ago, I was given the opportunity to work with a producer. Together, we transformed mere ideas into music. My debut album is entitled Wishing. It encapsulates my journey thus far, putting so many of my moments and emotions into song. The only dream I have for my music is that it brings hope to anyone who listens. You can hear my album (or order it) on my website,

At my very core I am a story-teller. I believe I am called to create and share stories about God’s faithfulness and abundance in my life. Whether it is through music or words, I am privileged to share the adventures God has allowed me to encounter so far.

Life is an ever-changing journey filled with mountains and valleys, but the one constant is hope.

That being said, I hope this blog will bring you joy and hope. I hope my words inspire you to chase after kingdom dreams and revitalize you to always take the next step forward, no matter how seemingly small. I know that God has you and I right where we are “For such a time as this…” (Esther 4:13)

May the journey always inspire you.

Never stop Wishing.

Love Always,

Jenna Renae
